Pro Bono & Social Impact

HBA Legal is a signatory to the National Pro Bono Target, a voluntary and aspirational target of at least 35 hours of pro bono legal services per lawyer per year.

We accept work via referrals from our pro bono partners:

  • Arts Law Centre of Australia: a community legal centre providing legal advice services to artists and arts organisations across the country.
  • Cancer Council (WA, QLD and NSW): helping people affected by cancer.
  • Law Access (WA): assisting vulnerable people to obtain access to justice.
  • LawRight (QLD): assisting vulnerable people to obtain access to justice.
  • Legal Aid WA Disaster Legal assistance: assisting people who have been impacted by disasters to obtain access to justice.
  • State Administrative Tribunal (WA): The SAT refers people involved in matters before it.

Please note we do not accept referrals from individuals.

Employee Volunteering

At HBA, we recognise that non-Solicitors have plenty to offer the community too, and are eager to get involved.

Our people, who work in support roles at HBA are offered one full day (or two half days) away from the office for work in the community on projects that make a difference.


Our Environmental Footprint

There’s a lot we can do to reduce waste across our offices and we are serious about lessening our impact on the environment.  Just a few examples of how we do this are:

  • Using environmentally friendly dishwashing liquid, dishwashing tablets, surface sprays and hand soap that don’t damage the environment when they end up in waterways.
  • Opting for 100% natural and biodegradable cloths in our kitchens.
  • Recycling bins and compost bins.
  • Transitioning to paperless.
  • Recycling batteries and printer cartridges.


Pro bono contacts at HBA

If you’ve got a community project that needs volunteers, or you are interested in becoming one of HBA Legal’s pro bono partners, please get in touch.


Kate Watson
Partner | National Pro Bono Partner

Corporate Sponsorship