Out and about

Walk for Justice 2020: supporting access to justice for vulnerable people in WA. In COVID-19 times, team HBA took part in the annual event by doing the 4.4kms around our own neighbourhoods (May2020)

Team HBA doing Movember: helping raise money to support the health of men around the world. Movember funds groundbreaking projects globally. Did you know that one man dies by suicide every minute of every day, with males accounting for 75% of all suicides? (November 2019)

Probably the award we are most proud of. HBA Legal was named one of Australia’s best employers in the 2019 Australasian Lawyer ‘Employer of Choice’ Report. To be recognised, firms were required to demonstrate the highest level of excellence across 10 key areas (November 2019)

We brought together our Sydney and Melbourne based federal workers’ compensation clients for a number of workshops, with the topics selected by them. We don’t just give advice, settle cases, run other cases and move on to the next thing. We up-skill our clients where we can, at no extra cost, and we love doing it (September 2019)

Great to be amongst it at the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Licensees Association (SRCLA) Education Day in Melbourne. Nathan Hepple facilitated a panel discussion on medical cannabis in a workers’ compensation context, while together with Brett Ablong and Claire Tota the trio gave their top tips on effective communication with claimants (August 2019)

Is there anything more important than one’s mental health? We think not and that’s why we partnered with Myall Wellbeing and AILA Australian Insurance Law Association to bring the Perth legal community a seminar on managing stress (August 2019)

The exceptional work of our people means we were named a finalist in two categories of the Australian Law Awards, presented by Lawyers Weekly in partnership with the University of NSW (‘Insurance Team of the Year’ & ‘NewLaw Firm of the Year’) (June 2019)

We are proud to be named one of the most forward-thinking and innovative legal firms in the country on the Australasian Lawyer ‘Innovative Firms Report’ (May 2019)

Fantastic to be amongst it at the UWA law school mid-year Careers Fair. Thanks to Melissa Wroe, Rebecca Tloczek & Aimee Daga for flying the HBA flag (July 2019)

Australasian Law Awards: HBA was a finalist in the ‘Insurance Specialist Firm of the Year’ category, while HBA Group was among the top firms for ‘Excellence in Technology & Innovation’ (May 2019)

We were lucky enough to have friend of the firm and NewLaw guru Mitch Kowalski facilitate our business planning leadership retreat involving Partners and SAs (July 2019)

We shared knowledge on the ever evolving nature of cyber risk, methods of prevention and how to shift risk with insurance, at an HBA hosted Risk Managers’ Forum in Perth (July 2019)

To shine a spotlight on the economic and cultural damage caused by inauthentic Indigenous art, we ethically sourced this piece by respected Ngaanyatjarra artist Elizabeth Holland, raffling it off and raising funds for the Arts Law Centre of Australia (May 2019)

Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AO QC, Governor of NSW officially opened our new Sydney office (May 2019)

HBA Partner Dr Andrew Lu OAM with Prof Rosalind Croucher, President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, at a WA Law Society breakfast to kick off Law Week 2019 (May 2019)

Managing Director Brett Ablong accepts the 2019 Diversity Leader Award, presented by the Asian Australian Lawyers Association, on behalf of Dr Andrew Lu OAM (March 2019)

Dr Andrew Lu in Canberra to share and learn at the Law Council of Australia/ Australian Pro Bono Centre’s national conference (March 2019)

Dr Andrew Lu, Nathan Hepple and Governor of Western Australia Kim Beazley AC at Australia House in London, celebrating the upcoming restoration of Australia’s first piano which was onboard the First Fleet in 1788 (March 2019)

Celebrating International Women’s Day at the Women Lawyers of Western Australia gala event: Ruth Slater, Naomi Adams & Dr Andrew Lu OAM (March 2019)

Delivering professional development at the Law Society of WA for our industry peers. HBA’s Dr Andrew Lu OAM and Denise Bowen, with Barrister Hayley Cormann (March 2019)

HBA Solicitor Aimee Daga leading our ‘Nervous Shock Claims’ client workshop with Dr Gemma Edwards-Smith (March 2019)

We put a fictitious fatality scenario to a panel of industry experts at our ‘major incident response’ CPD session in Perth. Big thanks to Jeff Williams from AJG Gallagher for joining HBA and Paratus in this session (February 2019)

He’s the best in the business when it comes to acting for ski resorts in Australia: Partner Geoff Brookes is pictured with Todd Lee, the President of the Association of Ski Defence Attorneys at the 2019 conference in Canada. Over 100 delegates from across the USA and Canada and HBA Legal of course (February 2019)

Great topic and conversation at the HBA sponsored Risk Managers’ Forum seminar, in conjunction with RMIA, in Perth. Thank you Michelle Griffiths from Curtin University for insights on data, digitalisation, diagnostics and disruption (December 2018)

The sun goes down on another AILA national conference in Perth. Great for the HBA team to hear from brokers, claims managers, lawyers, underwriting agencies and even members of the Judiciary (November 2018)

At The Law Society of Western Australia, Director Nathan Hepple chaired a CPD session where world-renowned legal thought leader Mitch Kowalski spoke about creating better, more productive, and more satisfying client/supplier relationships. A topic pretty close to our heart here at HBA! (November 2018)

HBA’s Dr Andrew Lu OAM co-hosted a ‘sold out’ fundraiser in Sydney, with the Hon Justice Beazley, for the Arts Law Centre of Australia’s project to protect the rights of Indigenous artists (September 2018)

Our people from Perth, Brisbane & Sydney showing support at the 2018 Comcare Awards, recognising the best OHS/rehab practices put in place by employers insured under the Comcare scheme (September 2018)

He’s not just a great lawyer, he’s an impressive human being: Dr Andrew Lu at the Philanthropy Australia National Conference (September 2018)

At the Legal Innovation Zone (LIZ) in Toronto, the world capital of legal tech. Directors Nathan Hepple & Brett Ablong, along with HBA’s ICT Solutions Architect Sean Turner, pictured with LIZ Managing Director Chris Bentley (August 2018)

Solicitor Courtney Burrows talks with hindsight, to law students at UWA during the #DisruptingLaw Hackathon, about what she now knows as an admitted lawyer that she wishes she knew as a student (August 2018)

The 2018 #DisruptingLaw Hackathon at UWA. This was the fabulous law student team we mentored across 54 hours over a weekend. Pictured here with HBA Associate Courtney Alexander (August 2018)

Directors Nathan Hepple and Brett Ablong met like minded practitioners at Dallas-based Hermes Law, sharing learnings and innovations in the NewLaw space (August 2018)

Partner Dr Andrew Lu OAM speaking at the TEDxFulbrightPerth event at UWA’s University Club (August 2018)

Our IT guru Sean Turner, along with Director Nathan Hepple and Canadian legal thought leader Mitch Kowalski speaking to law students and faculty at University of Newcastle, NSW, about shifts in the legal industry (July 2018)

World renowned Canadian legal thought leader Mitch Kowalski and HBA Director Nathan Hepple addressing an Australasian Legal Practice Management event in Sydney about all things NewLaw (July 2018)

Claire Tota, Senior Associate, leading design thinking at the SRC Licencees Association Education Day at Optus (July 2018)

Director Nathan Hepple and NewLaw guru Mitch Kowalski leading WA’s in-house counsel community through shifts in legal service delivery courtesy of UWA (July 2018)